Friday, March 4, 2016

Uncle Deb's Meatless Meatballs

by Cindy
Uncle Deb is actually my oldest daughter Betsy's adorable (in a manly way) husband, Jimmy. He gave himself the nickname eight years ago, the day his nephew Jack was born.

The whole family held an all-day vigil at the little hospital, pretty much taking up the entire waiting room in the maternity section, for my daughter Megan to give birth to the first of the next generation of our family. When Jack was finally born, we were all giddy with excitement and crammed into her room to congratulate her.

Jack was being examined down the hall, but we were allowed to go see him through the nursery window. As Jimmy was headed that way, a nurse caught up with him, smiling, andsaid "Are you Dad?"

What Jimmy heard was, "Are you Deb?" He couldn't figure out why on earth anyone would be asking him that, but mumbled that his name was Jimmy. Later he realized what she had actually said, but by that time we had all begun calling him Uncle Deb so it stuck.

Anyway here is his excellent recipe for mini meatless meatballs:

  • 1 roll of Gimmee Lean or other brand of meatless "sausage"
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozarella
  • 1 top of an English muffin
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • Pinches of Basil and Oregano, salt and pepper
Mush all together, form smallish balls and brown in olive oil. Then toss into spaghetti sauce and simmer a little, even though the meatballs are already all cooked.

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